Title: FMOL Project
Type: Sound
Year: 1998
Genre: Electronics
Instruments: Electronics
Duration: 5m 01s
Commission: La Fura dels Baus / Sergi Jordà for the CD Faust 3.0/FMOL


Title: FMOL Project ARCO´99
Exhibition: Group
Date: 11 February 1999 - 16 February 1999
Location: Arco´99. Madrid


In 1998 and 2000 Roberto López collaborates with La Fura dels Baus within the Fmol project (Faust Music On Line) that it consisted in the composition of a part of the soundtrack of their shows Faust v. 3.0. and D.Q. Don Quixote in Barcelona. To work on this project, Sergi Jordà and Toni Aguilar developed a musical composition software called Fmol with a compositive approach based on the collective electronic experimentation, where, in real time, you could build the micro-compositions which later would be part of the show.

Roloco / Symbology was commissioned by La Fura dels Baus and the project director Sergi Jordà, to form part of a CD which showed in a more extensive way, the creative and compositives possibilities of the Fmol software. This CD was edited by the Author Foundation and was subsequently selected for the electronic art exhibition in Arco'99. On the CD, alongside the work of Roberto López, are the works by artists Alex Martín, Sergi Jordà, Carlos Padrissa, Txeic, Diego Dall'Osto, Cristina Casanova, Noise from the Kernel, Pelayo F. Arrizabalaga, Toni Aguilar y BigToxic.