Title: Duo
Type: Sound
Year: 2003
Genre: Duo
Instruments: Cello_Piano
Duration: 9m 30s
Commission: Spanish National Youth Orchestra
Premiere: 17 September 2004
Location: Municipal Auditorium / Albacete
Performer: JONDE Duo - Beatriz Linares / Miyuki Téllez


Title: Grupo LIM
Exhibition: Group
Date: 23 September 2005
Location: Patio del Ayuntamiento. Villena

Title: JONDE (Spanish National Youth Orchestra)
Exhibition: Group
Date: 17 September 2004
Location: Municipal Auditorium. Albacete


In 2003 Roberto López was composer-in-residence at the Spanish National Youth Orchestra and during this period he created two commissioned works, Gen for symphony orchestra and Duo for piano and cello.

During this period in residence at the JONDE, Roberto López made several lectures to young performers where were analyzed some of the prejudices that had been established in society, about the contemporaneity in music, and by extension to the arts, and therefore find ways to dispel these prejudices to have a more open vision about contemporary artistic expression.

About this intention of unprejudiced rapprochement to contemporary proposals, Roberto López creates, from this pedagogical viewpoint, these two works, Gen and Duo, and gives them an antagonistic character respect to the pre-established canons contemporaries, as an example of freedom of aesthetic expression according to postmodernity and diversity that actually exists in the field of arts, compared with the unidirectional and unique aesthetic thought which clings to prejudices.