Title: Infoxicación Sonora
Type: Sound
Year: 2012
Genre: Electronics
Instruments: Electronics
Duration: 25m 36s
Commission: Mostra Sonora / IVM
Premiere: 3 - 9 May 2012
Location: Mostra Sonora / Sueca



Title: Infoxicación Sonora
Date: 9 May 2012 - 13 May 2012
Location: Els Porxets. Sueca


The infoxication is etymologically an acronym of the words information and intoxication, which means intellectual intoxication due to an excess of information, which in this case is of sound information. The work created for electronics, is structured under this neologism, in which Roberto López shows this overload of sound information through sounds, words, musics and any other element susceptible of being transmitted and perceived aurally. The consequence is to reflect and question the massification of this sound information we perceive daily, which is relevant and necessary, and what are its consequences when you have more information than you can humanly process, such as anxiety and unproductivity of time on call we have available. This overload is due in large part to a change in human thought, the desire to classify and store all types of memories, informations and fantasies through the deployment of all the means at their disposal.