Title: Erotic Trio
Type: Sound
Year: 2010
Genre: Trio
Instruments: Vl_Vc_P_Elect
Duration: 12m 8s
Commission: Grup Instrumental de València
Premiere: 5 November 2010
Location: Ciclo Entender la Música Contemporánea - Auditorio del IFV / Valencia
Premiere: 11 November 2010
Location: Festival d´Ensembles / Músicas del S.XXI - L´Auditori / Barcelona
Premiere: 15 November 2010
Location: Festival Década I / Música 2000 - Auditorio Palacio de Congresos / Zaragoza
Premiere: 19 November 2010
Location: Festival Ensembles / Músicas del S.XXI - Claves de Acceso IV - Compositores Españoles - Círculo de
Bellas Artes / Madrid
Premiere: 25 November 2010
Location: Festival Rozart Mix XXI / Solo XXI - IVAM Museum / Valencia
Performer: Grup Instrumental de València


Title: Festival d’Ensembles
Exhibition: Group

Date: 5 November 2010
Location: Auditorio del IFV. Valencia

Date: 11 November 2010
Location: L´Auditori. Barcelona

Date: 15 November 2010
Location: Auditorio Palacio de Congresos. Zaragoza

Date: 19 November 2010
Location: Círculo de Bellas Artes. Madrid

Date: 25 November 2010
Location: IVAM Museum. Valencia


The proposal of Roberto López is expressing the eroticism with a contemporary sound language. A proposal which in its materialization involves a delicate process when we assume that the sound or music is pure abstraction, and only when in the music is incorporated some component decipherable, with a very perceptible and defined codes, only then, the abstract transmission of the sound content could potentially have a direct communication with the listener.

In Erotic Trio, Roberto López uses some parameters that, under pure abstraction, we might suggest some basic approaches of eroticism. The sensitivity in the elaboration of sound material, a strict essentiality as a means of seduction and insinuation, a significant poetic content as a catalyst of eroticism, a game of harmonic relationships confronted to have an approximation to the constant seduction. All these preliminary intentions, and approaching the Platonic postulates about eroticism, are the trigger that could approach the concept of sound erotic which leads to the contemplation, in the "not listening" conscious, with the purpose to get carried away without any kind of anticipated restriction, without any kind of technical analysis that would go into a state of judgment and not leave room for the imagination. As Octavio Paz said, the imagination is talisman and refuge that allows to create the eroticism and fiction to "protect us" of the destructive loneliness.